Our mission is ingrained in what we do

Mobile Clinic at USC is anchored by three core themes: service, community, and humanity. 

Founded in 2016, Mobile Clinic at USC is a student-run initiative that aims to bring preventative care and wellness resources to unhoused and underserved communities in the greater Los Angeles area. Originally our organization worked closely with the Student Run Clinic at the USC Keck School of Medicine where our members shadowed physicians and acted as liaisons to patients attending the bi-weekly primary care clinics. Since then, we have evolved into an independently operating organization which allowed us to innovate a new vision for bringing health to all. The vast majority of the residents and patients we serve belong to historically marginalized and underrepresented communities which is why our organization’s initiatives center around humanizing healthcare through equitable and identity-centered care. 

We firmly believe that health is not only defined by the status of our physical bodies, but also our mind and soul. Our Clinic and Connections Program is focused on providing opportunities for our patients to learn and engage in practices that nurture all aspects of health. At our preventive screening events, we center each visit around understanding the patient’s health history, providing important diagnostic values, and opening conversations for next steps. Alongside the clinical portion to discover more about each patient's physical health, we offer workshops and community-centered activities to supplement the screenings with topics ranging from diet, mental health, and a favorite among members and patients, game nights. 

As our name suggests, Mobile Clinic at USC brings healthcare to you! Each shelter has a dedicated team of directors and team members that curate events based on the specific needs and feedback of each community. Additionally, they will also staff each event so there will always be a familiar face to spark a conversation or get competitive in a round of uno. Through a multifaceted approach that emphasizes health, wellness, and human connection, we hope our patients leave every event feeling more informed about their health and feel empowered to continue maintaining or improving their health outcomes in the future.

Our mission is ingrained in DEI

(Diversity, Equity, Inclusion)

Mobile Clinic at USC does not tolerate any form of discrimination, whether it be on the basis of religion, race, nation of origin, gender, sex, orientation, age, or ability. We recognize the privilege of being a healthcare-based organization and the need to affirmatively take stand against any and all forms of injustice or discrimination.

We encourage listening to each other, educating ourselves, amplifying the voices of minority communities, and actively fighting against inequity and racism.

Together we acknowledge room for continuous growth and will continue to educate ourselves and our community partners — to promote the transition from statements of solidarity to transformative action and full accountability.